Thursday, May 16, 2013

Story of success-From a newbie to a problogger

Driving much traffic on the blog is one of the top wish of a blogger. We've already discussed that writing contents on the blog is also one of the main source of driving traffic here. Writing top and quality contents on your blog is a super method by which you can gain lots of things like traffic, subscribers and of course money which is one of the main goal of every blogger who wants to make money from blog.

For achieving this goal, most of the bloggers get confused on how often should they posts so that their remains valuable all the time. Today, in KTM-Blogger, I'm writing this post as a story of success, which a blogger will surely achieve if he/she doesn't gives up in the middle.

There are 3 stages of blogging in a blogger's life if he doesn't gives up in the middle.

The Early Stage

In the beginning/start we can say, it has to be mandatory that you post much articles on your blog because this is the time when you've the energy as you're new and you've got too many new things to share to the world. At this time, you're feeling like you're the one who is gonna be successful like the 6 figure income earners and you've got that potential in you. I was also like that when I was in the early stages of blogging.  At this time you're not getting many hits on your blog but you're happy that by posting frequently, you're at least getting some people hanging around. At this time, you won't get much visitors in your blog. If you're in this phase, don't give up on getting less visitors. Its your time fr practice and you've to practice hard at this stage as practice makes a man perfect. When I was new in blogging, I used to post 3 articles in a day and my views per posts were like 15-20. Still, I was feeling great. In this phase, you request everybody you know on Facebook and Twitter to share your post because nobody knows on the net.

The Mid-Term
Now, the time gradually changes. Your blog is getting famous day by day. Slowly or rapidly, you're gaining much visitors than before. Now, you can get 30-50 visitors a day without posting and when you post it, it might increase to 100-150. Now, you've got 10-15 articles and a good response. You might feel like I'm successful now. So, you feel like decreasing your posting frequency. Now, you might post some 5-7 articles in a week. In my opinion, this is the best posting frequency. If you can give continuity to that frequency, things are going to change and your blog is going to be much better. In this time also, you request people to share your articles but things are somehow different this time. You've got some unknown people to share your articles and they're the so-called readers of your blog. At this time, your mind gets distracted in advertising in your blog and you try for some ad-services like Adsense, Chitika and many others. Some of you get accepted whereas others get disapproved this time. Sometimes, such situations will occur in this period that you feel like giving up. You won't get much visitors and also you're advertising dream gets in water. So, many bloggers feel like giving up on this stage but, instead of giving up, you should think of overcoming the failure and reaching towards your ultimate goal.
 My blog is running in this period so, I've also distracted my mind in advertising my blog. I tried Adsense several times but it got disapproved all the time. I was making money from Chitika(not much but I was) but these days even I've got more clicks than before, my reports always show income $0.00 but I don't bother about that as things are going to change by now. I had also given up one time but after reading one article at Problogger, I felt like I can do it. So, I started writing again in this blog and now, I won't let the feeling of giving up arouse in my mind. I've now got last chance for re-submitting my application for Adsense and I'm in hood of promoting my blog and gaining much more traffic these days. Lets see what comes forward for me..

The Resting Time
Finally, you come to the resting time. You've spent years in your blogging career and you've gained too much knowledge and you're a problogger now. You can now create a super-site and write the best contents in the world and get famous in short time if you want. But, before this you've your old site and its running good now. You get at least 1000 visitors a day and have some 500-600 subscribers at least. now, you can get ads on your website and make money online which was your ultimate goal. Now, as you're a problogger, you've probably read tens of thousands of posts in your blogging years and have written hundreds of posts. Now, you can write a mind-blowing post in a little time and even you give less time to your blog, you write a hit. Now, you won't have to worry about your post's promotion. People come looking for your post and they're the one to share it and you won't have to tell anybody to do so.

Now, that's what I call a happy ending although its not the ending. Now, you've a much successful blog which you always wished to have. You've got the super contents which you always wished to write. You're got the rush of people people on your blog and thousands  of subscribers which you always wished to have ad ultimately, you've made money from from your blog which was your ultimate goal.

But, for reaching this goal, see how much you'd to prepare. You'd to read hundreds of blogs subscribe to them and you'd to give almost 5-6 years for that. 
 Think about that. All I wanted to say is don't give up on your failure, learn from it. I've learnt this thing from my English teacher at school. If you give up now, you're never gonna rise up to that level which you'd always wished of. So, write more on your blog and try not to give up when you get in the worst situations. Sometimes, time might come that you won't get any visitors for many days and you think of giving up. But don't think about the failure of present, think about the success you'll get in the future if you don't give up now. That's all I wanted to say to you being a blogger.

What's next?
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