Thursday, May 30, 2013

Check your ranks

Everyone likes to check out how're they doing. Checking the ranks makes you sure how're you doing and what are the improvements that you should do and/or what improvements you've done to get successful. So, everybody wants and likes to check out their ranks in the Web.

Well, it is not so difficult to check out the ranks of your blog/websites but its not that everybody knows how to check the ranks. So, in this page, I'm gonna write on how to check the ranks using the most trusted sources of rank checking in the web and here they go:

There are 2 most trusted way to check the ranks of your blog/website and they are Google Page Rank Checker and Alexa.

Alexa Internet, Inc. is a California-based subsidiary company of which provides commercial web traffic data. Once it is installed, theAlexa Toolbar collects data on browsing behavior and transmits it to the Alexa website, where it is stored and analyzed, forming the basis for the company's web traffic reporting. As of 2013, Alexa provides traffic data, global rankings and other information on 30 million websites, and its website is visited by over 8 million people monthly. It is the leading provider of free, global web metrics. Search Alexa to discover the most successful sites on the web by keywordcategory, or country. Use our analytics for competitive analysis, benchmarking, market research, or business development. Use Alexa's Pro tools to optimize your company's presence on the web.

You can check out the rank of your website/blog among the others in the web. The lower you ranks are, the more successful you've become. Google has rank #1, which means that it is the top site of the world. This is how Alexa ranks the websites. To check your site/blog's rank, click here.

Google PageRank Checker

Name says it all. Google PageRank Checker allows you to check your page rank (i.e. from one to 10). Here, the condition is completely different from Alexa. Here, the more the rank you score, the more you're successful. Those pages with raank of 9 are the most successful ones. In the early stages, your page rank are not available on the PR Checker and later on, when you do good with more traffic and links exchanged, your rank slowly increases.
Click here to see what your blog/website's page rank is.

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How to add a social sharing bar on your blog

Social Sharing is one of the most important step that's gonna make up your career in blogging. If there are no social shares of your articles, it means that you're a complete failure. If you've got lots of share, that means you're quite successful in your blogging career. So asking the readers to share your articles around the web and allowing the utility that they need to do is like a must in blogging if you want to be successful in your blogging career. So, this post of KTM-Blogger features  how to add a social sharing bar using AddThis on your blog. Just follow these simple steps and you'll be getting a cool floating sharing bar on your blog/website like the one in this blog's left corner.

Step 1). Goto AddThis

Step 2). Click on the Free! Get started button.

After that select the style you like to put in your blog. All you have to do is sign up for AddThis, which'll take no more than 1 minute and put the code in your blog and you're set.

See, that's pretty easy to insert a cool floating bar, which is gonna help you a lot in your career building. I recommend you to add this bar if you've now till yet. 

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IF you've found this blog useful click here and subscribe to this blog. It really means a lot for this blog.

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Story of success-From a newbie to a problogger

Driving much traffic on the blog is one of the top wish of a blogger. We've already discussed that writing contents on the blog is also one of the main source of driving traffic here. Writing top and quality contents on your blog is a super method by which you can gain lots of things like traffic, subscribers and of course money which is one of the main goal of every blogger who wants to make money from blog.

For achieving this goal, most of the bloggers get confused on how often should they posts so that their remains valuable all the time. Today, in KTM-Blogger, I'm writing this post as a story of success, which a blogger will surely achieve if he/she doesn't gives up in the middle.

There are 3 stages of blogging in a blogger's life if he doesn't gives up in the middle.

The Early Stage

In the beginning/start we can say, it has to be mandatory that you post much articles on your blog because this is the time when you've the energy as you're new and you've got too many new things to share to the world. At this time, you're feeling like you're the one who is gonna be successful like the 6 figure income earners and you've got that potential in you. I was also like that when I was in the early stages of blogging.  At this time you're not getting many hits on your blog but you're happy that by posting frequently, you're at least getting some people hanging around. At this time, you won't get much visitors in your blog. If you're in this phase, don't give up on getting less visitors. Its your time fr practice and you've to practice hard at this stage as practice makes a man perfect. When I was new in blogging, I used to post 3 articles in a day and my views per posts were like 15-20. Still, I was feeling great. In this phase, you request everybody you know on Facebook and Twitter to share your post because nobody knows on the net.

The Mid-Term
Now, the time gradually changes. Your blog is getting famous day by day. Slowly or rapidly, you're gaining much visitors than before. Now, you can get 30-50 visitors a day without posting and when you post it, it might increase to 100-150. Now, you've got 10-15 articles and a good response. You might feel like I'm successful now. So, you feel like decreasing your posting frequency. Now, you might post some 5-7 articles in a week. In my opinion, this is the best posting frequency. If you can give continuity to that frequency, things are going to change and your blog is going to be much better. In this time also, you request people to share your articles but things are somehow different this time. You've got some unknown people to share your articles and they're the so-called readers of your blog. At this time, your mind gets distracted in advertising in your blog and you try for some ad-services like Adsense, Chitika and many others. Some of you get accepted whereas others get disapproved this time. Sometimes, such situations will occur in this period that you feel like giving up. You won't get much visitors and also you're advertising dream gets in water. So, many bloggers feel like giving up on this stage but, instead of giving up, you should think of overcoming the failure and reaching towards your ultimate goal.
 My blog is running in this period so, I've also distracted my mind in advertising my blog. I tried Adsense several times but it got disapproved all the time. I was making money from Chitika(not much but I was) but these days even I've got more clicks than before, my reports always show income $0.00 but I don't bother about that as things are going to change by now. I had also given up one time but after reading one article at Problogger, I felt like I can do it. So, I started writing again in this blog and now, I won't let the feeling of giving up arouse in my mind. I've now got last chance for re-submitting my application for Adsense and I'm in hood of promoting my blog and gaining much more traffic these days. Lets see what comes forward for me..

The Resting Time
Finally, you come to the resting time. You've spent years in your blogging career and you've gained too much knowledge and you're a problogger now. You can now create a super-site and write the best contents in the world and get famous in short time if you want. But, before this you've your old site and its running good now. You get at least 1000 visitors a day and have some 500-600 subscribers at least. now, you can get ads on your website and make money online which was your ultimate goal. Now, as you're a problogger, you've probably read tens of thousands of posts in your blogging years and have written hundreds of posts. Now, you can write a mind-blowing post in a little time and even you give less time to your blog, you write a hit. Now, you won't have to worry about your post's promotion. People come looking for your post and they're the one to share it and you won't have to tell anybody to do so.

Now, that's what I call a happy ending although its not the ending. Now, you've a much successful blog which you always wished to have. You've got the super contents which you always wished to write. You're got the rush of people people on your blog and thousands  of subscribers which you always wished to have ad ultimately, you've made money from from your blog which was your ultimate goal.

But, for reaching this goal, see how much you'd to prepare. You'd to read hundreds of blogs subscribe to them and you'd to give almost 5-6 years for that. 
 Think about that. All I wanted to say is don't give up on your failure, learn from it. I've learnt this thing from my English teacher at school. If you give up now, you're never gonna rise up to that level which you'd always wished of. So, write more on your blog and try not to give up when you get in the worst situations. Sometimes, time might come that you won't get any visitors for many days and you think of giving up. But don't think about the failure of present, think about the success you'll get in the future if you don't give up now. That's all I wanted to say to you being a blogger.

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

5 Super Tips to Drive Traffic

In this post, I'll be showing you some superb tips other than related to writing to drive massive amount of traffic in your blog. These are not just ordinary tips which are found on the internet but are practically tested and viewed results by me. I've seen massing change in the visitor's list in the past few days after implementing them for my blog. I'll be listing them instead of briefing like I used to do in my older posts as it'll be too  lengthy and you'll get bored reading 

1). Blog Commenting

Commenting on other blogs makes others to find about you. As there are millions of blogs and thousands of them are successful ones which almost everyone in your niche knows about. So, you're commenting on these blogs means that you're also trying out a chance to get yourselves known by the millions of others who visit those thousands of successful websites. From this, there are sure chances of getting much more rush in your blog than before.

2). Social Sharing
 In these days, almost everyone has a Facebook account and you might also have some 500+ friends out there. Other than Facebook, there are other popular sharing sites like Twitter, Stumbleupon, Digg etc. which you can use to increase traffic in your blog. This is the most easiest way to increase traffic as all you have to do is open up your FB or twitter or SU account ans share the posts directly from these sites. Also you can ask your friends/fans to share them on their particular accounts and this is surely gonna help you get rush in your blog.

3).Submitting blog to search engines
 This is also one of the important source for driving traffic. When you submit your blogs to search engines and any users these search engines search for a keyword that you've on your blog, the search engines will show up a result of your blog with the address and it'll send them to your blog. This is how, it is gonna help you to drive traffic.

4). Tag your posts
 This thing is also gonna help you for increasing traffic. Tagging posts means linking the posts related with each other and when your readers read them and want to know more, they often try out the linked words and click them and the links send them to other posts of your blog. This helps you to make your visitors get lost in your blog and there are much chances that they'll subscribe to your blog.

5). Submit your blog in directories
This is also another great way to increase your blog's traffic. There are hundreds of directories in which you can submit your blogs. Few of them costs you money for good and others are all free. Click here to go to the page where I've listed most of the famous bog directory's names.So, try them out and see the results.

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IF you've found this blog useful click here and subscribe to this blog. It really means a lot for this blog.

If you feel something is wrong with this post and/or you've even more superb ideas for relating to this articles, feel free to comment using the comment forum below. You're comments are much more valuable to this blog of mine as you're the ones who are gonna make me successful.

Monday, May 13, 2013

7 Superb Writng Tips for driving Traffic

Till now, you've made a blog, wrote some post and generated traffic in your blog. I wonder if you're satisfied with the amount of traffic gained or not. If you're satisfied than its cool for you but if you're not satisfied and searching for some superb ways to generate traffic in your blog just by using the power of Writing Posts, this article on KTM-Blogger will be very useful to you. 
 Below are 8 superb tips that will surely help you generate much more traffic than you'd got before in your Blog/Website. Follow them and you'll be closer to your success.

1).  Write for the Readers
 I don't thing any blogger in this world wants to become the reader of his/her own blog/site. Everybody who is in this blogging field wants others to be his readers. For this you've to keep one thing in your head that you shouldn't post what you know/want to, instead you should have a guess of what your readers want from you and its your duty to get the things for them now because if they love you now, they're never gonna leave you later even if you have stopped writing for the blog.

2).Use the Right Medium
 From the heading, I want to let you know that before starting a blog, you've to think of the medium you're going to blog. Its up to you what type of blog you want. You can ask yourself what type of blog you want to run whether you will like to run a video blog or a pictorial blog or a article based blog. But before you start the blog, be sure that its gonna suit your niche. For eg: If you want to run a blog which shows photos of the ancient time, it will be best if you insert more of the pictures and less of the videos and texts. I hope you're clear from the example given.

3.Write More
 You guyz might find this as a headache if you've reading the older posts of this blog because I've mentioned this heading in most of my posts. Keep one thing in head that search engines index you frequently and you've more people to look after your blog if you've more posts. Its for sure that the more you write, the more people are gonna rush in your blog and the more the rushers, the more the traffic and finally the more the traffic, the nearer you are to your success.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Blog is a School

When I see my situation, I find blog as a school. For me going to school and going to my blog are almost similar and I find out blog as a school. Below are few points which resembles a blog as a school.

Admission of the Blog
From the heading, you might not be clear to what I'm saying. By the word admission, which is mostly used in school, I mean registration of blogs in different platforms like Blogger, Wordpress. If you're willing for a .com domain you have to pay some bugs for admitting your blog and from here your blogging life starts.

I will like to relate Internet as the school bag and uniform which is must for the school. You are not going to school unless you have a bag to carry off your loads. Same way, without internet you won't be able to go to your blog. It is the must for admitting yourself to.blogging because without internet, you can't do anything.

Other famous blogs
I would like to relate them with the text books which we have to read when we're preparing ourselves for school and exams. Here in blogging, I would like to.prefer the Professional Blogger's blogs as the text books of the school as they are the primary and most important source from where we learn blogging.

Posts and contents
I would like to relate then with the exams that we have in the school but here in Blogging, we have lots of exams as we have to write frequently. The more we read our texts and notes, the better we score. Here also, the more we read plfrom the professional blogs, the more quality contents we can write and the more marks we can score.

Blogging Success/Failure
Finally and ultimately, I will like to relate then with the grades that we get from our exams. The grades that you get are up to how much you've learnt in your study time and the more the reference you search and look for, the more you get. This might be the starting of your success or your failure. Those who fail here, they don't dare to try once again but in my view, it wontl't cost you anything to try again. So don't try to cheat yourselves y being the lazy ones who don't try for second time ir become a copy blogger( who copies others contents and shows then in own blog). This thing is never gonna help you in your blogging career instead try to pull you towards hell. So don't be lazy and try once again. This post is for those who never dare to try once again. Please don't cheat yourselves and try once again. Who knows what great thibg is waiting for your arrival??

              HAPPY BLOGGING


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