Thursday, January 10, 2013

Adsense,Policies and Strategies For getting Accepted

Hello there, its me the author of this blog and today, I have come here with a new topic to share something and that's Adsense.
Well, everybody who blogs knows about Adsense.It is a ad service program run by Google, which enables you to show ads on your website.Adsense is run by Google and it is one of the top source for making money from blogs. 

Many people enter in Blogging thinking they'll be accepted in Adsense and they will generate lots of money from their blogs but reality is Adsense doesn't accepts any blogs. There is a review in your blog and if it finds your blog helpful, you'll get accepted. Well, its not so easy to get your blog accepted but reading the articles of this blog, you'll find it simpler to get approved.

Before submitting your blog on Adsense, you must read its policies so that you can find out are you capable of it or not. For knowing the policies of Adsense, click here. Be sure to read them before submitting your blog. 

If you want your blog to be accepted and you're working day night for its improvement and you're doing great then, Its not too tough for you. But if you're not doing good and want to get accepted this post might be help for you.
Here are few strategies following which you can be confident for your Adsense approval and they are:

  • Generate much quality posts frequently and make sure your blog looks great.
  • Generate much traffic on your blog and make it a success. Get at least 100 page views a day before submitting in Adsense
  • Make a domain hosted site rather than a free blog. Adsense loves own-hosted sites than free blogs.
  • Make your site/blog at least 6 months old before submitting in Adsense.
  • Write lots of quality posts, create many pages linking each other and get high quality backlinks.
  • Patience, Patience, Patience. Don't run in haste. Just be calm and wait for your approval..


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